Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fun in the Fall

This is way over due but in October the family went to Huber Farms to just hang out...ENJOY!!

Some good famiily time! We had alot of fun and got to hang out with each other which is rare since we are such a busy family! I love them all so much!

Judah: Newest member of the Family

So, we got a new puppy a couple weeks ago, he the most adorable little thing.  The saddest part of this whole thing was that we couldnt figure out a name for him...We had him for more than a week until we finally named him but we finally decided on Judah.  He is about 10 weeks old now and still sleeps and poops more than any dog I have ever seen before. He is a cuddler and loves to play with Leo.  Leo loves him just as much though.  They would play for hours if I would let them, just like a bunch of boys haha. 

He loves to ride in the car too.  He has been scared of going down the steps since we got him but today he graduated haha...He whined the whole way down the steps though.  He hates to not be around people.  He does pretty well at night though, only crying for the first few minutes and then early in the morning cause he needs to go potty...oh boy..potty training this little guy is not going so great.  He doesnt get it that he shouldnt go potty in his crate.  And he doesnt chew his food very well so I to water it down so its at least half way chewed...I love him though even with all the touch spots.